Anxiously awaiting the start of the Academy Awards, watching hours too early as celebrity greeters wait for nominees to arrive. It’s very boring ,but I could miss something, and then what! I will enjoy Ellen, as I historically do. The remainder of the show I will act like a teenager, praying at the edge of my bed for my favorite actor to win the golden prize, looking for shots of my heart throb Brad Pitt in the audience and cursing the cameraman for not staying on the shot long enough. I know I will love every dress, because I just love fancy dresses, some of the songs will be off key, but I will ridicule the speeches for their poor grammar and politics, and only be charmed when the winner thanks their mom. That should be discussed at therapy. All in all, I will be disappointed, because it will be over and all the princesses and princes will have gone home. Until next year!